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Monday, February 16, 2015

History- Post 2

Hey Gang,
Hope all of you guys are doing well. Im sure enjoying this 4 day weekend and wouldn't it be magical if we had a fifth day off. Anyways I've been doing some research and practicing some card tricks. Let me tell you, Youtube is a fantastic resource, but I am just so bad at card tricks. On a scale of 1 to extremely bad at card tricks, I'm at pretty bad, which is low. The hand skills required to do them, and the buy in from the audience is huge. I think I need to do more practice in front of live crowds and work on different shuffling and deception techniques. I've also done some great research on the history of card tricks. Many people think that “card tricks were first developed by gamblers who wanted to improve their chances of winning when playing card games” ( Cards originated in Asia, but the first known written about card tricks were in Europe. In the last century card tricks have became more popular as magicians would use them because they are a cheap prop. Now card tricks are worldwide and anyone can do them. Card tricks are all about deception and that is what I find so cool about them. You play with your audience’s brains and you manipulate the cards. I think understanding the way the audience’s mind works and the way they will see the cards is a huge part of magic. Deceiving the mind is so cool and there are so many experts out there. I want to now go research them, the specific magicians and continue to practice my tricks.

1 comment:

  1. I love your topic, David. As a kid I always loved to do card and magic tricks. These tricks spanned from guessing the card games to pick pocketing money from my parents. The only problem that I had with this is that I sucked and almost never succeeded in pulling these tricks off. Hopefully, you will build up more skills than I ever did. The great thing about magic is that you can impress any audience, especially little kids. I just have a couple questions for you:
    -How can you verify that your tricks actually work? Will you perform in front of a small group of friends or family and see if you can trick their eyes?
    -What specific tricks are you planning on doing?
