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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Snow day galore- Post 6

Hey guys
These snow days have been amazing and have sped up the process of learning card tricks. Over the past week I've learned about 1 a night. They are so much fun and I've put up a few on the blog and will continue to. Some I can't do without an audience and I can''t wait for the upcoming block days to perform them. They are very distracting. For instance, I might be doing science homework and then I go to YouTube to play some music. The problem is card tricks pop up in my recommended videos and I'm too tempted to click on them and I always do. This has greatly enhanced the speed of me learning these card tricks. I will easily surpass my goal of 10 as I've almost mastered that many. The most recent one I've learned was on where I match all the Kings and Queens:

Over the last few weeks I've learned about the way I learn. Using YouTube has been a complete success and I realize that I'm a visual learner. If someone was telling me what to do I don't know if I'd be able to learn these tricks. I can use this knowledge of being a visual and hands on learner in the future. This could help me with academics which is a bonus.

Also as an extra knack I may be able to figure out other card tricks that other people do. A lot of card tricks are math, something that I'm good at, and they follow many of the same patterns and little card manipulation. This also helps me learn tricks faster as I know what to expect.

Where do I go from here?
We probably aren't going to have any more snow days so my rate of learning will probably decrease but I still plan on learning 3-4 a week. One thing I got to be careful about is forgetting old ones. From now on I'm going to make a list of the tricks I've learned and 1-2 nights a week practice old ones instead of new ones to make sure I have all of them down.

Stay magical friends
David Potter

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